Overhead conveyor machines are fully automatic blast cleaning machines that use an enclosed chamber. The overhead conveyor may be powered by gravity, single track or power&free track. The number and movement range of the nozzles inside the blasting chamber are designed according to the requirements set by the piece. The movements of the nozzles can be easily programmed. Blast cleaning the insides of pieces is also possible.
FBR – 21×5
The FBR-21×5-S is designed for the external and internal blast cleaning of axially symmetrical pieces.
The pieces are suspended on hooks and rotate during the blasting. The blasting of the inside is performed using a special nozzle that is moved inside the piece from below.
FBR – 18×4
The FBR 18×4 is designed for blast cleaning gas cylinders. Gas cylinders must be stripped of old paint when they arrive for periodic inspection.
The machine uses sharp steel shot that effectively removes old paint. It also creates a rough surface that is excellent for the adhesion of new paint.
This machine is specially equipped for blast cleaning car wheels. The wheels are blast cleaned all around, and the same conveyor then carries them to be painted.
FBR 18×6
Pieces that move on an overhead conveyor can be cleaned effectively and fully automatically.
The conveyor may have pieces of different sizes in random order. The height of the piece and the position of its base are measured as the piece enters the blasting chamber.
In the blasting chamber, the piece is blasted in accordance with the height measurement. Once blast cleaning is complete, compressed air is used to remove dust from the surface of the piece.