
Tube blaster to Ardor Oy

Finnblast delivered to Ardor Oy in Raisio  in Finland an automated blast cleaning machine for tubes.[...]

High speed blast cleaning machine for wheel sets delivered to France

Finnblast Oy has delivered to France a high capacity blast cleaning machine for wheel sets. It is  d[...]

Blast cleaning of moulds for car tyres

Finnblast Oy has delivered fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for cleaning of moulds for car tyr[...]

Blast cleaning of wheelsets

Finnblast Oy has delivered a blast cleaning machine for wheel sets to UK.  This machine is drive thr[...]


Innotrans 2022 Exhibition 20.-23.9.2022 in Berlin

Finnblast participates the railway exhibition Innotrans 2022 in Berlin, 20.-23.9.2022. Hall 6.2, S[...]

Finnblast Oy is participating the Innotrans exhibition in Berlin, 18-21.2018. Wellcome ![...]

Blast cleaning of moulds with ice blasting technology

ceramic beads. Finnblast Oy delivers to a finnish customer a fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for blast cleaning of moulds. In the cabinet you can use two different blasting media, namely dry ice (carbon dioxide) and ceramic beads. With dry ice you can do the gentle cleaning of surfaces of moulds. You can remove adhering polymere particles, parafin residues and carbon combustion residues. In dry ice blast cleaning there are no changes in the surface quality of the moulds. The nozzle movement is programmable. The new equipment replaces manual blasting work. Additionally Finnblast delivers wagons for the transportation of moulds to increase the productivity of the mould maintenance.


Kotisivut yritykselle: Sivututka